Inside Martial Arts

What’s The Best Age To Begin Martial Arts?

Martial Arts will have a positive impact regardless of your age. Therefore, starting martial arts should definitely be a consideration for everyone. With that being said, at different ages we have different things to benefit from martial arts. Hold on to your trilbys, as we take a journey to explore the best age to begin martial arts.

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Whats’s The Best Age To Begin Martial Arts


What's The Best Age To Begin Martial Arts

Starting martial arts from as young as four will definitely boast some amazing moral development. Furthermore, the physical benefits will certainly shine through.

Firstly, the increase in basic gross motor skills, like balance and coordination, will set your child out on the right path. Secondly, the moral values related to respect and discipline, will certainly see your child flourish as they grow.

Our research didn’t bring up many results when hunting around for famous martial arts stars that began at the younger end of this age range. With that being said, Michael Jai White, star of never back down and Falcon Rising, started his martial arts journey when he 7.

When considering the best age to begin martial arts, we need to look at the age – interest connection. In this situation, children will lose interest in something very quickly. As a result, there is a very high drop out rate in martial arts schools for children in this age bracket.

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Will They Lose Interest?

Martial Arts classes will definitely benefit children in this age range, but just be aware they may lose interest quickly and give up their martial arts journey forever.

Furthermore, it’s difficult for children between the ages of 4 and 8, to decide if martial arts would be for them. For this reason, the decision would predominantly fall to the parents.

Following this, Its certainly worth a thought as to whether your child would be ready before you sign them up to a martial arts class. We also dive into this subject more on our blog post, What’s The Youngest Children Start Martial Arts?

The increase in balance and coordination are definitely beneficial at ages 4 – 8. Just be cautious of them losing interest quickly.

Aged 4 – 8? Book a Little Ninja’s Bristol Class with VORTEX Martial Arts Bristol.

What’s The Best Age To Begin Martial Arts


What's The Best Age To Begin Martial Arts

Children who start their training in this age range will absolutely benefit. Between the ages of 9 and 12, children will start discovering “who they are“. With that being said, they will begin to start choosing the things they like. What’s more, they will be able to tell you if martial arts would be something they believe they would enjoy.

For children in this age range, martial arts training will aid them in making more thought-out, and unemotionally driven decisions. Whilst still easily distracted, children here will have a better understanding of settings goals. Additionally, what’s required to achieve them.

To consider the best age to begin martial arts, we need to look at a number of factors. For example, the ethics of martial arts.

Between the ages of 9 and 12, children will be able to grasp these values with a better understanding. With that being said, they can determine when to correctly and safely use their new found skills. Also, more importantly, when not to use them.

In this bracket, children’s bodies will have grown extremely quickly. As a result, martial arts will help them develop strength, control and an understanding of their physical potential. Let’s not forget, Martial Arts legend Jean-Claude Van Damme, star of the 1989 film kickboxer, started his journey at the age of 12.

Scary Statistic Alert

As a matter of fact, according to pacer.org, a massive 49.8% of 9 – 12 year olds said they experienced bullying at school.

It’s for this reason that you can see why starting a martial arts class will provide significant benefits.

Many people have a tendency to believe that Martial Arts is all about fighting. Believe me, talking from 15 years of experience in this field, it’s not. We cover this misconception, and others, in our superb blog post, The Top 3 Remarkable Martial Arts Misconceptions Exposed.

The increase in physical and mental strength will shine through in 9 – 12 year olds. And with the scary statistic of 49.8% of this age range also reporting bullying, its clear to see why martial arts would be a huge benefit.

Aged 9 – 12? Start your Martial Arts journey today, with VORTEX Martial Arts in Bristol.

What’s The Best Age To Begin Martial Arts


Best Age to Begin Martial Arts

Most people believe that in order to achieve great things in Martial Arts, you need to start a long time before you hit your teenage years. But, as we said before, most ideas of martial arts are incorrect.

When deciding which age is the best age to begin Martial Arts, we need to consider not just the physical benefits, but the emotional benefits also.

Children in this age range will be going through some major emotional changes, therefore, Martial Arts are sure to provide a safe environment for them to burn off some steam. Furthermore, children in this bracket are becoming extremely social. By giving them a place away from school and other stresses, where they can meet new people and form life long friendships, martial arts will surely benefit them.

Dreams And Desires

Another advantage of starting between the ages of 13 and 17 is that children will be driven by their own preferences. Additionally, they will be developing their own dreams and desires, and are able to make a more evaluated decision on whether martial arts is the right path for them.

In addition to the above, martial arts for this age range will send physical fitness through the roof. They will gain strength in core stability muscles in addition to an increase in cardiovascular capacity.

In relation to our opening paragraph above, you don’t need to begin martial arts before your teenage years to achieve great success. Bruce Lee, founder of Jeet Kune Do and also star of Enter The Dragon, started his martial arts journey at the age of 13.

Children aged 13 – 17 will be going through some major emotional changes. A Martial Arts Class will provide the perfect environment to burn of some steam.

Aged 13 – 17? Kickstart your Martial Arts training at VORTEX Martial Arts Bristol.

What’s The Best Age To Begin Martial Arts


Best Age to Begin Martial Arts

You are probably all thinking that there is no way you can achieve greatness in Martial Arts if you didn’t start before you were an adult. Well, again, most martial arts ideas are incorrect. For example, Chuck Norris, star of The Hitman and The Delta Force, to name but a few, didn’t begin his martial arts journey until the age of 18.

Starting martial arts in your adult years will boast all the benefits of starting younger, and then some. You see, when you start martial arts as an adult, the world is a different place. In addition, you understand things better than you did as a child.

Life as an adult brings with it adult problems. You probably now have a commute, in rush hour traffic, to work and back everyday. Not to mention the excessive energy bills you also have to contend with.

Lifting Your Spirits

With that being said, martial arts for people 18 and over can be a great stress relief. In fact, turning up to your martial arts class after a long day at college or work, can lift your spirits intensely.

If you are feeling to old, or past the best age to begin martial arts, think again. Starting martial arts in your adult years will help you to gain strength, body control and also increase endurance. Furthermore, these factors will carry over into your every day routine. Therefore making your life that little bit physically easier.


Starting Martial Arts at age 18 or over will carry all the benefits of starting younger, and then some.

Looking For Adult beginner Kickboxing Bristol? Try VORTEX Martial Arts. Where every class is tailored to suit you.

What’s The Best Age To Begin Martial Arts?


We have just explored all the benefits you will get from martial arts when starting at different ages. In conclusion, it’s easy to see why there is no best age to begin martial arts.

Whether you are a youngster looking to improve balance and coordination, or an adult looking to release some stress, it’s obvious why martial arts would be a great option.

With each year that passes, martial arts will simply benefit you in different ways. As a result, martial arts are perfect for all age ranges. 4 years old? Try it out. 74 years old? Give it a go.

4 years old or 74 years old, there will always be benefits from martial arts training.

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